Monday, February 14, 2011

Golden Ears, VCCC, Valentine Garage Tour

'Sadie' on her first outing this year.
The weatherman said "it's going to rain", well, we missed most of the raindrops.  It may have rained, but not where we were, in fact the sun came shining through on a couple of occasions.
Two red convertibles greeted us.

Admirers gathered around the 73 Corvette among the Fords.

Over 60 members and friends showed up at the predetermined site ... Don Watts' garage ... at around 2:30 pm.  Don and his wife, Carol, welcomed us and opened up the first garage, which from the front looked like a double garage.  But once inside we realized that the back walls of the garage were not there and it opened up to another building, where all we saw were FORDS!!  Lots of Fords!  Square Birds, loads of convertibles, 50's convertibles, everything you could dream about, all in fantastic condition and ready to drive.   Then I noticed a poor little Corvette nestelled in between.  I wasn't the only one, it got a lot of attention.

Looking back out of the garage, you can see there were loads of people admiring the cars.

Over 60 people showed up for our first run of the year.
After we finished ogling the beautiful cars, Don escorted us to a newer garage in the back which is were he works on the cars.  And, what do you think we found there ..... a great 48 Plymouth convertible that Don has had for just over a year!  It would look good in my garage if I could squeeze it in between the 66 and 37.
48 Plymouth Convertible

After the tour of the garages, Don and Carol hosted us in his garage loft ..... WOW ... what a party room.  It was filled with memorabilia and juke boxes (that worked).  Coffee was on and there was lots of conversation about the beautiful cars we had seen.
Enjoying the conversation in the 'party room'.
A little 65 Valiant awaiting restoration.
Then someone pointed out that there was another non-Ford resting in a trailer in the yard.  I went to see, and found a 65 Valiant just waiting for its turn to get gussied up and return to the road.  What a dream!

Don told me that he had one special vehicle in his over 20 car collection that was hiding (in parts) in the garage attached to his house.  It was the very first car he ever bought.  A 1932 Ford Pickup he purchased for $40 when he was 16.  He is now lovingly working on putting this pickup back to its original condition and getting it on the road.

After a great couple of hours we set off for the Hour Glass Retaurant in Langley for a Valentine's Supper.  There were 50 or so people seated for a wonderful dinner.  We were sat at the table with Anne and Barry Fehr who were celebrating their 50th anniversary .... not wedding, but engagement.   It was a wonderful way to finish off the day.

The rain stayed away all day, or we missed those scattered showers!  Thank you Wayne and Jan for organziing such a great day!

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