Saturday, February 16, 2013


After many years of procrastinating, the arm rests and windshield will be replaced this year. The tonneau cover was done late last summer. The arm rests were ordered from Dante's Mopar Parts in the states and are beautiful. I also ordered the windshield gasket from him. Great service and delivery. If anyone needs parts, I would highly recommend him.

After we changed out the arm rests, we went for a little spin around the neighbourhood.  The sun was out, but not warm enough to go topless.  It was great to be out and about listening to oldies on CISL
When we got back home, the hose and bucket came out and Sadie had a bath.  Our first tour of the season is next Sunday.  A Valentine's tour out to Mission - she's all ready!


Monday, May 2, 2011

Tour to Jim Ratsoy's Collection

P0011_010511 by cruisin coupleOn the only sunny day we've had in ages, May 1st, we took Sadie (the convertible) to visit Jim Ratsoy's collection in Richmond.  We have been to his beautiful property before and were eager to see what new things he has added.  Among his 130 vehicles he has lots of convertibles, rows of Fords, Studebakers and Chevrolets.
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All around the walls were juke boxes, player pianos, slot machines and more.  All of these are in running condition and we were entertained for over 2 hours.

P0020_010511 by cruisin coupleMy favourite in the collection is the Kaiser, as it was a car that our family had when we first emigrated to Canada.  I love the bamboo dash and trim and the shape of the back window.

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 Del's favourite is the 31 Cadillac Touring Car.

As you may have gathered from other posts, the reason for taking the cars out .... is to EAT ..... so we all went for supper at the White Spot, thanks to Jim for arranging reservations for 40!

Click here to see more of our day at Jim's Collection.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A visit to RM Restorations Classic Car Display - Blenheim, Ontario

I visited my sister, Pauline, and brother, Wally, in Chatham in March and while I was there we took a little trip to the RM Restoration and Auction facility at the corner of Communication Rd and Hwy 401.  In 1987 I visited their restoration shop on Park Ave W, Chatham.  Rob Myers had started his Classic Car business in 1979 and by 87 he was finding cars all over the states, restoring them and taking them to collector car auctions.  Last week I was pleasantly surprised to see how big the business had actually grown.  I am a 'fan' of RM Auctions on Facebook and Twitter, so am aware of their name in the Classic and Vintage car business, but didn't think that their facility in Blenheim was actually as big as it was.

The Classic Car Exhibit is located at 1 Classic Car Drive, Blenheim.  We were greeted by a friendly gentleman who said that he had been with RM for over 7 years, but I failed to get his name.  He took us on a personal tour of the very large warehouse/showroom giving us personal insight into almost every vehicle.  This exhibit is constantly changing as this is more a staging area, than a showroom.  Vehicles are brought in to get ready for auction, or restoration; vehicles are parked after restoration, auction or mechanical work waiting for delivery; or are owned by RM for their use.

We were amazed at the Bugattis, one of which was previously owned by Nicholas Cage, the Talbot-Lago and the Delahaye and loads of Auburns, Packards, Cadillacs, Jags, etc. etc.  You get the picture.

The Talbot-Lago

Look at the lines of the Delahaye!

A beautiful Bugatti

More pictures on Flikr at: RM Classic Car Exhibit - March 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The 37 finally has a voice!!

Well, after searching the Barrie Flea Market last year and contacting almost everyone I know who has Dodge's and Plymouths I finally found a new horn button for the 37.  I was a little skeptical when I saw it on e-bay, as it was being sold by a Jeep parts site from Texas.  You couldn't really see anything but the top and I didn't know what the insignia was, but for $45 I thought that it was worth a try.  So I ordered it and waited for delivery.

At least it was in a Mopar Parts box!

An Insignia that I didn't recognize!

I was really excited when the package arrived  .... and I opened it to find a Mopar parts box with a Chrysler parts number.  I looked at it and it was brand new, which I was not expecting.  Here's what it looked like when I took it out of the package.

The metal is very light and it was easily removed without damaging the rest of the ring.  So I did.  Then I removed the ring from the original horn button and placed it on the new one.

Now its ready to go back into the steering wheel.

The new horn button with the original metal ring, ready to be installed.

So, I've promissed my 'baby' that I will put her back together soon.  The next time that I take her out, I'll be able to blow the horn without worrying whether it will ever stop.

I only have one problem.  It is so shiny!!  I will have to find a way to buff it off a little, so it doesn't look so new.

See you on the road!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Golden Ears, VCCC, Valentine Garage Tour

'Sadie' on her first outing this year.
The weatherman said "it's going to rain", well, we missed most of the raindrops.  It may have rained, but not where we were, in fact the sun came shining through on a couple of occasions.
Two red convertibles greeted us.

Admirers gathered around the 73 Corvette among the Fords.

Over 60 members and friends showed up at the predetermined site ... Don Watts' garage ... at around 2:30 pm.  Don and his wife, Carol, welcomed us and opened up the first garage, which from the front looked like a double garage.  But once inside we realized that the back walls of the garage were not there and it opened up to another building, where all we saw were FORDS!!  Lots of Fords!  Square Birds, loads of convertibles, 50's convertibles, everything you could dream about, all in fantastic condition and ready to drive.   Then I noticed a poor little Corvette nestelled in between.  I wasn't the only one, it got a lot of attention.

Looking back out of the garage, you can see there were loads of people admiring the cars.

Over 60 people showed up for our first run of the year.
After we finished ogling the beautiful cars, Don escorted us to a newer garage in the back which is were he works on the cars.  And, what do you think we found there ..... a great 48 Plymouth convertible that Don has had for just over a year!  It would look good in my garage if I could squeeze it in between the 66 and 37.
48 Plymouth Convertible

After the tour of the garages, Don and Carol hosted us in his garage loft ..... WOW ... what a party room.  It was filled with memorabilia and juke boxes (that worked).  Coffee was on and there was lots of conversation about the beautiful cars we had seen.
Enjoying the conversation in the 'party room'.
A little 65 Valiant awaiting restoration.
Then someone pointed out that there was another non-Ford resting in a trailer in the yard.  I went to see, and found a 65 Valiant just waiting for its turn to get gussied up and return to the road.  What a dream!

Don told me that he had one special vehicle in his over 20 car collection that was hiding (in parts) in the garage attached to his house.  It was the very first car he ever bought.  A 1932 Ford Pickup he purchased for $40 when he was 16.  He is now lovingly working on putting this pickup back to its original condition and getting it on the road.

After a great couple of hours we set off for the Hour Glass Retaurant in Langley for a Valentine's Supper.  There were 50 or so people seated for a wonderful dinner.  We were sat at the table with Anne and Barry Fehr who were celebrating their 50th anniversary .... not wedding, but engagement.   It was a wonderful way to finish off the day.

The rain stayed away all day, or we missed those scattered showers!  Thank you Wayne and Jan for organziing such a great day!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Golden Ears Chapter VCCC circle tour 2010

10 cars met at Bruce's Market on Saturday morning; we met 2 more in Mission; for a great drive to Hope for a 'timmies'.  It was here that Richard said goodby and headed back to Maple Ridge.  We then set off again to Manning Park for our 'potty break'. It was there that we decided it was warm enough to put the top down on the convertible. Jim and Mary were already 'topless'. It was a very nice drive into Princeton where we found our hotel and checked in. It was Princeton's 150th anniversary celebrations, so we checked out the music and stopped for lunch.
After lunch we all met in the parking lot for happy hour(s) when Ross's friend showed up and offered us a tour of his garage. Off we went! A detour here and there, but finally we arrived to check out his nicely appointed garage and customized VW.

We finished up the evening at the local pub for supper - Barry & Sharron arrived at around 8:00 and found us still in the pub - good job it was only a short walk from the motel.  Some of the group called it a night, others didn't!  Bruce's wife and daughter had driven in late on Sautrday night, as well as Ron & Meghan who were with the Whymark's at the Gastown Concourse all day. 

It was off on Sunday morning after a continental breakfast to meet up with VCCC'rs at the Fair in Merritt, where we had lunch and toured the exhibits. 3 more garage tours - one a wrecking yard with Chrysler products (checked for a horn button for the 37 but no luck) the other two garage's had beautiful chevy's - and then we were on our way again.  After a winding, hilly drive we arrived in Lillooet. Ron & Meghan decided to leave us on the way to Lillooet and head home.  Wayne & Jan and Don & Grace were already there getting ready for our BBQ. We had a super supper, lots of stories and laughter, then off to bed.

Monday morning was overcast and threatening rain. After a continental breakfast for some (and eggs & bacon for others) we headed for Pemberton over the Duffy Lake road. There were patches of gravel, and some of the paved areas were worse than the gravel, but it was a beautiful drive, we stopped to consolidate and found that Dale & Gale were experiencing engine problems. Doug & Judy; Ross & Bev; and Dale & Gale stayed together, the rest of us headed for Pemberton for the museum. When we got there the museum was closed, so went on to Whistler. Wayne & Jan headed back up the road to find the other 3 cars and found that Ross & Bev had brake problems coming down the hill so the 3 cars had stayed at the side of the road until the brakes cooled off. We all met up at Boston Pizza in Whistler for a late lunch.  On the road again - headed for Brittania Mine and a tour, but alas we arrived as they were closing up. We said our goodbyes there and headed for home.

We had a super tour, lots of great company, decent weather - it only rained after we reached North Vancouver - and no mishaps! Dale & Gale and Ross & Bev will have a little work to do on their cars; the rest of us just need to wash and polish!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Boulevard Casino Car Show

The Dodge on display
Originally uploaded by cruisin couple
Well, it was a most beautiful day - sunshine and bright blue skies, with about 200 cars enjoying the day. I got parked in between a Barracuda and a Chevy and initially wasn't very pleased.   It turned out to be a good thing, because everyone noticed the 'oldie' in between the newer cars and I spent the morning telling people about the history of the Dodge. Shaw TV reporter, Emily Laing, came over to chat with me, then asked if she could do an interview. She called over her camera operator and voila! We talked and played with the car for about 1/2 hour. I'm sure when it gets on TV it will only be a few minutes, but was pleased that Emily had singled the Dodge out to do her story.

As you can see behind the cars there was a lineup - this was not to view my car or watch the interview, it was to get a chance to have their picture taken with Hulk Hogan.  He and a group of ex-wrestlers were to appear at the Red Robinson Theatre in the evening.  Of course, the crowd went wild when he showed up with his entourage.

1938 Dodge CoupeI was there for the cars though, and I found a wonderful 1938 Dodge Coupe that has only been on the road for 2 years. Janine is the owner and came over to take pictures of various things on my car, as well as ask lots of questions. We exchanged information and probably will keep in touch. It's always nice to meet another Dodge person, and especially if its a female.

There were 8 of us from the Golden Ears Chapter of the VCCC in attendance, we didn't win the 50/50, some won in the Casino, but Jim Smith with his 1925 Chevy Touring Car took away the Community Choice Award.

It was another great day filled with super cars and friendly people. See you on the road!