Monday, May 2, 2011

Tour to Jim Ratsoy's Collection

P0011_010511 by cruisin coupleOn the only sunny day we've had in ages, May 1st, we took Sadie (the convertible) to visit Jim Ratsoy's collection in Richmond.  We have been to his beautiful property before and were eager to see what new things he has added.  Among his 130 vehicles he has lots of convertibles, rows of Fords, Studebakers and Chevrolets.
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All around the walls were juke boxes, player pianos, slot machines and more.  All of these are in running condition and we were entertained for over 2 hours.

P0020_010511 by cruisin coupleMy favourite in the collection is the Kaiser, as it was a car that our family had when we first emigrated to Canada.  I love the bamboo dash and trim and the shape of the back window.

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 Del's favourite is the 31 Cadillac Touring Car.

As you may have gathered from other posts, the reason for taking the cars out .... is to EAT ..... so we all went for supper at the White Spot, thanks to Jim for arranging reservations for 40!

Click here to see more of our day at Jim's Collection.