I attended the Children's Miracle Network Fundraiser at Costco today. We were supposed to go yesterday, but the rain kept us away. When I got there this morning, Norm Gable and his 1938 Ford were already set up.
Originally uploaded by cruisin couple
Welcome to Angela's Garage. There are two old autos in this garage, a 1937 Dodge D5 2 Dr. Sedan, and a 1966 Plymouth Satellite Convertible. This blog will tell the tales of these two cars and their owner, Angela.
"The tour was one of the best we have been on" was overheard at breakfast on Monday morning!
It was a great tour ... it started off in the sun on Friday afternoon with 4 garage tours. We saw old cars, finished cars, rough but restorables, puppet collections, and had a great time re-uniting with old friends; and finished up that evening with a meet and greet attended by our one and only May Tour Queen (you had to be there!!).
Over 170 cars were in attendance from all over British Columbia and North West Washington. The oldest car was a 1911 Russell Knight 7 Passenger Touring car and the newest was a 1981 Pontiac TransAm, both from Maple Ridge. We had about 20 Orphan Cars which were recognized with a Certificate of Attendance at the Awards Banquet.
The May Tour group went on a Garage Tour yesterday. This is one of the Rough but Restorable's we saw!
And here are some of the beauties that went on the tour with us.
I will be participating in the Valve Cover Races on Sunday afternoon at the Maple Ridge Fairgrounds. Come out and watch the competition, it`s loads of fun. Valve Cover Racers are any valve cover with wheels and weights to allow it to coast down a track competing against one other racer - this is very similar to the Kub Kar Racers your children had when they were in Boy Scouts, except the cars are made of the Valve Covers and not of wood.
Madam Butterfly has wheels made of Seat Belt washers, no bearings, and is driven by Momma - from the A&W. This Valve Cover Racer is not fast, its built for endurance - ah! ah! Or, is it 'all show and no go'!?